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Feb 07, 2018 2465times

Je-LKS: Online il numero 1, Vol. 14 del 2018: "New Trends, Challenges and Perspectives on Healthcare Cognitive Computing: from Information Extraction to Healthcare Analytics"

Siamo lieti di informarvi che è online il No. 1, Vol. 14 (2018) del Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society (Je-LKS). Come sempre l'accesso a tutti i numeri di Je-LKS è APERTO e GRATUITO e potete consultare l'ultimo numero al seguente URL:

Puoi sempre avere accesso aperto e gratuito alle pubblicazioni di Je-LKS ma se desideri avere copie cartacee da condividere con studenti o colleghi o se desideri realizzare un archivio dei numeri orginali ti invitiamo a sottoscrivere il servizio Printed Copies che ci consentirà di coprire parzialmente i costi del servizio. La nostra rivista NON chiede contributi di pubblicazione agli autori.

Inoltre considera l'ipotesi di aderire alla Sie-L per supportare ulteriormente le nostre attività.

Se sei un ricercatore nelle aree di interesse di Je-LKS sei benvenuto a inviare una proposta di contributo a Je-LKS.

In questo numero:

Mauro Coccoli, Paolo Maresca, Gabriella Tognola

Peer Reviewed Papers
Handling Negation to Improve Information Retrieval from French Clinical Reports
Baya Naouel Barigou, Fatiha Barigou, Baghdad Atmani

A Context-Aware Miner for Medical Processes
Luca Canensi, Giorgio Leonardi, Stefania Montani, Paolo Terenziani

Integrating Heterogeneous Data of Healthcare Devices to enable Domain Data Management
Antonella Carbonaro, Filippo Piccinini, Roberto Reda

Adopting Cognitive Computing Solutions in Healthcare
Mauro Coccoli, Paolo Maresca

Preliminary Data Analysis in Healthcare Multicentric Data Mining: a Privacy-preserving Distributed Approach
Andrea Damiani, Carlotta Masciocchi, Luca Boldrini, Roberto Gatta, Nicola Dinapoli, Jacopo Lenkowicz, Giuditta Chiloiro, Maria Antonietta Gambacorta, Luca Tagliaferri, Rosa Autorino, Monica Maria Pagliara, Maria Antonietta Blasi, Johan van Soest, Andre Dekker, Vincenzo Valentini

Evaluating Innovation Injection into Educational Contexts
Francesca Pozzi, Donatella Persico, Luigi Sarti

Conversational Functions for Knowledge Building: a Study of an Online Course at University
Stefano Cacciamani, Vittore Perrucci, Ahmad Khanlari

Mobile Applications in University Education: the case of Kenya
Ronald Ochieng Ojino, Luisa Mich

Analysing Accessibility, Usability and Readability of Web-based Learning Materials – Case study of e-learning portals in Slovenia
Marko Radovan, Mojca Perdih

Related items

Je-LKS: Online il numero 3-2019: "Learning Analytics: for a dialogue between teaching practices and educational research"
Je-LKS: Online il numero 3-2019: "Learning Analytics: for a dialogue between teaching practices and educational research"


Dear colleagues, We're very glad to announce the No. 3, Vol. 15 (2019) of Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society (Je-LKS) is online! the focus of this Issue is on  “Learning Analytics: for a dialogue between teaching practices and educational research”.

You can have OPEN and FREE access to all articles and contents at the following URL:

You can always have free access to our online publications but if you are a paper lover or if you need to share Je-LKS with students or colleagues or simply to make an archive of original printed copies (as: libraries, research groups, authors, ...) please consider to subscribe our Printed Copies service. The subscription of the Printed Copies service will help us to partially face the costs of service.

Please, consider to apply to became a member of our association SIe-L.



Feb 07, 2018
Je-LKS: Online il numero 2-2019: "Educational Robotics: Research and Practices of Robots in Education" e Call for Paper n.3
Je-LKS: Online il numero 2-2019: "Educational Robotics: Research and Practices of Robots in Education" e Call for Paper n.3


Dear colleagues, We're very glad to announce the No. 2, Vol. 15 (2019) of Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society (Je-LKS) is online! This issue, with the Guest Editors Veronica Rossano (University of Bari, Italy
) and Rita Francese (University of Salerno, Italy) is titled  “Educational Robotics: Research and Practices of Robots in Education”.

You can have OPEN and FREE access to all articles and contents at the following URL:

You can always have free access to our online publications but if you are a paper lover or if you need to share Je-LKS with students or colleagues or simply to make an archive of original printed copies (as: libraries, research groups, authors, ...) please consider to subscribe our Printed Copies service. The subscription of the Printed Copies service will help us to partially face the costs of service.

Please, consider to apply to became a member of our association SIe-L.





Guest Editors

Antonio Marzano, University of Salerno, Italy
Antonelle Poce, University of Rome TRE, Italy



Initial manuscripts due July, 20th, 2019

Notification and Review Comments September, 3rd, 2019

Camera Ready manuscript due September, 20th, 2019



This call for papers is related to a special issue intended to collect theoretical, empirical and comparative contributions of educational and didactic research on the main topics covered in the conference on “Learning Analytics, for a dialogue between teaching practices and educational research” held in Rome 10 and 11 May 2019.

To better address the preparation of the papers, we refer to the definitions provided in (Chatti, Dyckhoff, Schroeder, & Thüs, 2012). In particular, Learning Analytics focuses on converting data from educational activities into actions that improve learning.

All aspects concerning institutional, academic and political issues are included in the topic of Academic Analytics. Among these, for example, the identification of students at risk, strategies to improve learning opportunities and educational outcomes; decisions on ethics, privacy or regulatory aspects; decisions that have an economic impact on the organization involved.

Finally, Educational Data Mining deals with how to analyse large sets of data related to learning and take value from them, i.e. the application of data mining techniques (such as clustering, classification, associative rules) on data from learning environments.

In the specific of the Learning Analytics, moreover, the call recalls the reference model and therefore invites the authors of the contributions to touch one or more of the dimensions indicated in it:

What: which environments and what types of data collect, manage and use for analysis;

Who: for which types of users to address the analysis;

Why: the purposes for which the data is analysed;

How: the methods and techniques with which data are analysed.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  •     Educational Data Mining: experiences, surveys and initiatives
  •     Academic Analytics: experiences, surveys and initiatives
  •     Learning Analytics: experiences, surveys and initiatives
  •     Learning Experiences in the Smart City
  •     Learning Experiences based on Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality
  •     Online learning environments (LMS, MOOCs): experiences, surveys and
  •     initiatives
  •     Techniques and data collection methods in Blended learning experiences
  •     Initiatives and surveys aimed at improving evaluation systems and tools in online systems
  •     Initiatives and surveys aimed at increasing the success of teaching and learning activities.Review of the state of art in Robotics systems for education


Best Regards,

Nicola Villa

Je-LKS Editor Managing Editor


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Feb 07, 2018
Je-LKS: Online il numero 2, Vol. 14 del 2018: "Teacher Induction: what we can learn from International Practices?”
Je-LKS: Online il numero 2, Vol. 14 del 2018: "Teacher Induction: what we can learn from International Practices?”

Siamo lieti di informarvi che è online il No. 2, Vol. 14 (2018) del Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society (Je-LKS). Come sempre l'accesso a tutti i numeri di Je-LKS è APERTO e GRATUITO e potete consultare l'ultimo numero al seguente URL:

Puoi sempre avere accesso aperto e gratuito alle pubblicazioni di Je-LKS ma se desideri avere copie cartacee da condividere con studenti o colleghi o se desideri realizzare un archivio dei numeri orginali ti invitiamo a sottoscrivere il servizio Printed Copies che ci consentirà di coprire parzialmente i costi del servizio. La nostra rivista NON chiede contributi di pubblicazione agli autori.

Inoltre considera l'ipotesi di aderire alla Sie-L per supportare ulteriormente le nostre attività.

Se sei un ricercatore nelle aree di interesse di Je-LKS sei benvenuto a inviare una proposta di contributo a Je-LKS.

In questo numero:

Giuseppina Rita Mangione, Maria Chiara Pettenati

Peer Reviewed Papers
Governing a State-wide Induction Program: Characteristics and Success Conditions of the Italian Model
Davide D'Amico, Giuseppina Rita Mangione, Maria Chiara Pettenati

Management of Novice Teachers' Induction to the Profession: Modernization of the Russian School Methodological System
Roza Valeeva, Tatyana Baklashova, Liliya Latypova

Initial Teacher Training and the National Plan for Digital Education (NOP - ESF)
Samuele Calzone, Rosa Di Gioia, Valentina Pappalardo

Teachers Induction and Digital Culture. The case of Southern Italy Teachers attending TFA
Fedela Feldia Loperfido, Anna Dipace, Katia Caposeno, Alessia Scarinci, Jarmo Viteli

Education for Diversity in Initial Teacher Preparation Programmes: a Comparative International Study
Maria Cristina Cardona, Renata Tichà, Brian Abery

Designing an effective and scientifically grounded e-learning environment for Initial Teacher Education: the Italian University Line Model
Fausto Benedetti

Promoting Digital and Media Competences of pre- and in-Service Teachers. Research Findings of a Project from six European Countries
Maria Ranieri, Isabella Bruni

Heritage Education and Initial Teacher Training: an International Experience
Antonella Poce, Francesco Agrusti, Maria Rosaria Re

Initial Teacher Education and Learning English at Primary School in Tuscany: Creative Perspectives, Current Challenges, and Possible Approaches
Elizabeth Guerin

Online TESOL Teacher Education: outcome of a Pilot Project
Serafina Filice, Deana Bardetti

Model for Measuring the Implementation of Online Programs in Higher Education
Diana Marcela Cardona-Román, Jenny Marcela Sánchez-Torres, Josep Duart

Peer Reviewed Communications
From Educational Contexts to Addictions: the Role of Technology in Teaching Methodologies and in Prevention as an Educational Function
Giusi Antonia Toto

Feb 07, 2018

La nostra storiaLa SIe-L nasce nel 2002 per iniziativa di 4 visionari: Antonio Calvani, Alberto Colorni, Giorgio Olimpo e il compianto Guido Martinotti. Da allora ha consolidato la propria posizione sul piano nazionale e internazionale. In un prossimo video i passaggi salienti.

Le attivitàAll'attività editoriale e all'organizzazione degli eventi sociali (tra cui la multiconferenza EMEMITALIA), SIe-L affianca l'attività di promozione e divulgazione delle buone pratiche nell'ambito dell'e-learning e della digital education.

Le rivisteLa SIe-L pubblica due riviste: Je-LKS, una rivista scientifica internazionale di classe A censita nella maggiori banche dati e BRICKS - insieme ad AICA - rivista dedicata all'innovazione didattica nel mondo della scuola e piattaforma aperta di discussione.

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